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CANTO Learning Ltd Covid-19 Statement

As CANTO Learning has re-opened to all staff and students in September 2020 it continues to adapt to the challenge of Covid 19.  We strive to ensure our college is a safe place for both staff and students as they work or continue their education and training with us.   

Whilst the college has put measures in place to minimise risk to staff, students and visitors it is the responsibility of all who access the building to endeavour to abide by the social distancing measures in place.

The building has numerous signs within in it to encourage social distancing both within corridors and rooms, social distancing is supported in rooms through the use of desktop screens.  The college has been divided into 3 bubbles with areas and rooms identified for use by bubble group.  The building is cleaned on a regular basis and hand sanitiser is in numerous locations.  All staff, students and visitors have their temperature checked on entering the building.  Staff wear masks unless due to personal circumstance and masks are available for students should they need one.  Movement around the college has been limited as students remain in their designated rooms for breaks. Each staff member accesses a breakout area which is only used but staff within their bubble. Should the need arise an area has been identified for use should a staff member or student display symptoms of Covid 19.

December 2020 - To support our drive to make CANTO Learning as safe environment as possible for all who access it the SLT has taken the decision to extend our Christmas break in view of the anticipated Christmas bubbles.  This extension of the college closure will enable all of those students and staff who attend CANTO to be able to join the extended Christmas bubbles but then return to their own reduced bubble group on the 28th December.  Following this return to smaller bubble groups all we have at least a ten day period before returning to CANTO, we anticipate that this will enable us to reduce risk when all return in January.

January 2021 - CANTO continues to work hard to reduce the risk posed by COVID 19 and as such has carried out a review of its procedures during the current pandemic.  Due to the reduced presence of students and staff within the building due to shielding, CANTO has been able to further reduced the size of groups staff and students mix in. As much as is possible entrance and exit through our main reception is  greatly reduced with where possible students and staff entering the building via external doors into their room, in addition some staff are working reduced hours within hours to provide a greater variety of arrival and departure times.  Toilets have been re-designated from bubbles to group use.  The decision has also been taken to at this time stop hot meals, all those who receive free school meals will receive a packed lunch to further reduce contact with others, access to the tuck shop has also been put on hold at this time.  In addition to limit contact between all the college has decided to shorten its week.  The college will now only be open to students on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until at least February Half-Term 2021. 

March 2021 - Due to the improving national situation CANTO Learning has taken the decision to re-open its provision for 5 days a week.  CANTO continues to work hard to reduce risk and all procedures remain in place.

April 2021 - CANTO Learning has seen the return of several students who have been shielding since the start of January 2021.  Although this has increased group sizes slightly we remain in small groups with all procedures in place to safeguard both students and staff.  It is not anticipated currently that there will be any relaxing of current procedures until at least Summer 2021.

June 2021 - CANTO Learning continues to work hard to safeguard students and staff, and as a result of this and the improving situation nationally we are pleased to acknowledge that it has been some months since a group had to be closed due to a small outbreak.  We hope that we continue to see positive signs and will respond to all guidance received accordingly. 

December 2021 - As an organisation we reviewed our Covid risk assessment to ensure that despite the increased number of infections nationally due to the Omicron variant we continue to work to safeguard all who attend our college.  We continue to ensure that we follow all guidance received from Government and Local Authority.

February 2022 - Canto Learning Ltd continues to follow all of the guidance received to ensure we continue to follow the latest guidance received from both government departments and local authorities.  Whilst nationally we continue to see a decrease in positive cases we remain vigilent and staff follow the relevant guidance.

May 2022 - Whilst guidance has changed significantly over recent months and requirement for staff to test has reduced we continue to be cautious, staff continue to test regularly and if appropriate where masks and regular cleaning continues throughout the day.  However we are gradually taking some of the first steps to returning the building to how it was pre-pandemic, reducing visible warnings around the building along with some of the screens in session rooms and public areas.  As with all the steps we have taken we continue to watch the local and national news carefully along with ensuring we comply with current guidance.

September 2022 - As guidance for both education and our social care programme has significantly relaxed due to the improvement in the nation's response to Covid we have been able to adjust, whilst staff and students may wear a mask if they wish this is now not a requirement of staff.  We have also withdrawn the need for staff to test on a regular basis unless they display symptoms, it is the same requirement for students.  We will continue to monitor the national response and follow local and national guidelines.

March 2023 - As of March we continue to follow the steps laid out in September and monitor the national and local guidelines.


Information for Parents/Carers/Students re  Covid-19

As with all cases of a contagious illness we would ask that you do not send your young adult to CANTO should you suspect that they have contracted Covid 19.  This will of course help us to safeguard both other students and staff.  The known symptoms of Covid 19 remain; a continuous cough, high temperature or sudden loss of taste or smell, however as you will know different strains have presented with additional conditions.

If your young person develops symptoms of Covid-19 they must not attend college but remain at home for a 5 day period from the date their symptoms appear.  Should you wish to arrange a test this can be done via        


You can find further guidance re isolation periods by following the NHS site.

Keep Safe.

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